I get asked about what I think God is doing a lot.
Questions, like, "What is He doing? Is this part of His plan? or What is His purpose for all of this?"
As a pastor of men's and family ministries, I am more focused on how things are affecting men's roles within their lives, homes and families. I have watched, studied and thought about how life and world events have affected mens roles and relationships within the home, and to date, in my lifetime, I believe that the current Covid situation will affect these in more ways than anything else.
The last verse of the old testament is very close to my heart as a mens' pastor: Malachi 4: 6,
"And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers,
lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.”
Today as I pondered the implications of what is happening all over the world, this verse struck me once again.
Like so many men all around the world, I am at home today. A Tuesday morning. I have set up a table in the living room where I sit for a greater portion of the day working, studying, and generally going about what has become 'the new normal' for me. And all of this in front of my kids. My kids watching me. All day. Every day.
This is happening to men and their families all over the world now as it has for a majority of 2020 with no end in sight so far. Back in the days when I used to go to work, it was my priviledge to lead a fathering program in which I would admonish, cajole, and yes, use a large dose of guilt to try and convince men of the necessity to spend more quality time with their kids. Quality time; not just spend time.
"I have met many men who grew up to hate their dad but I have never met the man who hated his kids." was a favorite line of mine in that course.
A teacher told us last spring that the Covid-19 pandemic will be the defining event of the current generation. I believe that to be true. Sadly though, just because more dads are home these days, it does not follow that they will be any closer or spend any more time with their kids.
For most of their lives, what I did for a living was a mystery to my kids. I left in the morning, I came home in the evening. They have always known that i work hard, but they didn't really know what it was that I did for a living, let alone,
how I worked,
how I did what I do,
why it was important, or
how it affected me. They never
saw me at work. Every year they were asked what I did for work and every year they told their class that I was a pastor. They probably even said I was a men's pastor. They probably even said that I was a men's pastor or chaplain at the jail. But the fact is that they had absolutely no idea beyond that of what I did.
Most men define themselves by what they do. After all, for most of us, it is the biggest portion of our lives. For the carpenter, being a carpenter allows a man to provide for his family, gives him a purpose, and affects almost every other area of his life. It affects who he thinks he is, which in turn will affect his friends, his haunts and hangouts, even his marriage and yes, his relationship with his kids.
Working from home in front of my kids has been quite an ajustment! Working from home is an ajustment yes, but, I'm focusing on the fact of having to
work in front of my kids . I do have a home office. I could spend my days in there with the door closed. My wife would undoubtedly tell the kids to be quiet because daddy's working in his office now. (Yes, we are quite old school parents)
Retreating into my office for eight hours a day would be easy. I daresay that it would also be quite enjoyable. It would also be quite unfair to my kids. It would also teach them absolutely the wrong things about me. They might even grow up hating their dad.
"Remember when he was home all the time and yet he had no time for his kids?"
The current pandemic situation has caused more men to spend more time at home than any other event in the last 50 years. There is such an opportunity here for this generation of kids to be connected to the hearts of their fathers moreso than at any other time in history. Is that what God is doing?
Could this Covid pandemic be the cure for the rampant fatherlessness and disconnection between men and their children? Actually, yes. The answer to that question is up to us men, not God - He has done His part. He has sent us all home. What we do at home and how it affects our role and relationships at home is our responsibility.
Email: ns.helliwell@gmail.com
Phone Number: 306.539-4136
Phone Number: 306.539-4136
Phone: 306.539-4136
Email: ns.helliwell@gmail.com
Email: ns.helliwell@gmail.com
Mailing Address:
950 Hopkins Cresent
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4X 2N3
Mailing Address:
950 Hopkins Cresent
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4X 2N3
Mailing Address:
950 Hopkins Cresent
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4X 2N3
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Nick & Vivian Helliwell
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