I had to laugh a bit today as this devotional thought formed in my head. As an illustration, I thought of a person wearing a mask - a disguising mask or a costume mask, but when I googled 'person wearing a mask' I, of course, got people wearing medical masks. It is after all, 2020. We will always remember the masks we wore.
But to the point - I was thinking costume masks.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from
God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.(1 Cor. 6:19,20)
Paul is talking about sexual immorality in the church. But my mind started to expand that idea.
Every year I write down something that I have learned and one year's lesson I recently added to my website:
The most authentic expression of who you are is not what you think you are, but who God created you to be.
So today's scripture collided with that thought and took off, but let's back up the train. God's word, the Bible, tells us that God equates sexual immorality with idolatry, and this passage in 1 Corinthians gets right down to that point.
But following the logic we can see some other things are involved it what this is saying.
Email: ns.helliwell@gmail.com
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Phone: 306.539-4136
Email: ns.helliwell@gmail.com
Email: ns.helliwell@gmail.com
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Mailing Address:
950 Hopkins Cresent
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4X 2N3
Mailing Address:
950 Hopkins Cresent
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4X 2N3
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Nick & Vivian Helliwell
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