Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might,[a] for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol,... Ecc. 9:10
I was remembering last year's canoe trip from Nemeiben Lake to Missinipe. It was extraordinarily hard, but was definitely enjoyable.
So last year, my buddy Spurgeon Root asked me - once again - if I would do a whitewater canoe trip with him, to which I finally said yes.
So last April we head up to LaRonge and meet up with the rest of the crew at Nemeiben Lake Campground.
The next day we head out across Nemeiben Lake.
The mission was to clear portages.
There were seven in all.
Clear the brush, cut and clear the deadfall and so on.
I was one of the oldest of the crew, but I think I held my own.
Eight days later we emerge from Barker Lake, paddle across Devil lake and land about 7km north of Missinipe.
110 km in eight days by canoe and portage, clearing the paths as we went.
Yup - been there, done that.
I don't think I need to do it again.
Maybe. (Does once in a lifetime opportunity really mean once?
It was awesome.
Thank you Spurgeon.
Email: ns.helliwell@gmail.com
Phone Number: 306.539-4136
Phone Number: 306.539-4136
Phone: 306.539-4136
Email: ns.helliwell@gmail.com
Email: ns.helliwell@gmail.com
Mailing Address:
950 Hopkins Cresent
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4X 2N3
Mailing Address:
950 Hopkins Cresent
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4X 2N3
Mailing Address:
950 Hopkins Cresent
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4X 2N3
Hi there!
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We will get back to you as soon as possible.
God Bless,
Nick & Vivian Helliwell
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